Friday, June 20, 2008

It’s got to be a Friday. Please donot check the calendars. Cause it’s a Friday mail my friends.

One good thing about the apple mobile …………….. oh my god before I start ……… please the following are a few stray thoughts a few observations and a few other points which are non fictional and purely 100 % my own work. These words to follow have been thought of by me and nobody else but me and that’s it.

Yes so I was saying the baap of all phones or so I think atleast shall be soon officially be coming to India which is as per newspapers going to be reasonably priced for a phone which offers more than one can ask for. The good thing I guess would be at least I hope the more expensive nokia and sony ericsson phones shall drop their rates. I am talking about the Apple iphone 3Gi. Which I think should be a good buy. And say bye bye to expensive phones.

Expensive phones reminds me that since second hand phones is also a big market you see drivers and servants using fancy camera phones as a result the very very rich buy the very very expensive vertu which frankly has nothing in it.

How can fuel be saved when the status of an individual is decided by the fastest or biggest or the most fancy car. As the salaries of the people increase so does the status and therefore a bike or car or whatever may be the case and as a result more cars and no infrastructure to support the increase. I was thinking even if there is a car which runs on water which I believe has been invented somewhere in Japan that will not solve the problem as water too is not in abundance and will get over faster than it can ever be replenished. So what we need is some new revolution of an invention to run our cars.

By the way One of my friends had smsed me urging me to watch the moon at about 5 30 in the evening as he found it spotless and large but I am sure he may have actually seen the sun and not the moon. He got moonstruck at the time maybe.

Yes if I have written this email at this time of the evening means that I was sitting around not doing any work.

Thank you

Bye bye

Thursday, August 09, 2007



Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Sunday, November 26, 2006


As you can see and read but not make any attempts to write I shall as always continue to write what you like to read.

Well to start with Bollywood is completely ………………..completely running out of story ideas as we are seeing so many old classics being remade and so many new films are having version 1 ………..2………………..3 as in sequels to them. So my friend Vicky and my Khakra friend you guys can come up with an original story and make some money. Of course all the others who receive this mail can also avail of this opportunity.

What’s with the sport called golf and the obsession with it that one wants to play it on the moon , in space, at Al burg helipad and of course at golf courses. It’s a rich mans sport and the price money is fantastic. Any body want to take it up as a profession would be a good option.

Terrorism is making its presence everywhere by a handful few but terrorizing the whole world. The worst part is that now they have educated men and women who are ready to kill themselves. What are they thinking, what is their objective, what do they want to achieve ………I fail to understand. If ever there were to be a third world war I am sure everything and everybody would get wiped out. It shall almost be like a video game all executed with the press of a few buttons.

Well, that’s the it from the me. Do feel free to write. There is no postage stamp required.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I shall be back next week so said my previous email but a lot of people would be glad that I was not cause like all re launches and like superman returns my so called Friday Blog also bombed at the box office. But that is no reason for me not to try again, in any case people were just reading and junking it before and since they were missing not my mail but the process of the junk the good news is my mail is there in your inbox.

There are so many Hindi films which are going to be released within a year from now which are adapted or copy or like they would call it as inspired from the previously made films. One such atrociously named film is Ram Gopal Varma ka Sholay. I for 1 think Amitabh should not be doing a film like this.

I was thinking I really do that more often that for one to be successful one must have a goal and work towards achieving the goal. To achieve it one has to be honest and patient and never lose sight of the goal. So for everybody I am sending a speacial something a Goal. Do score lots of goals and be successful in any thing and everything which you guys plan to do.

I think that’s a gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood note to end it at.

Bye the byes.


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

News just come in Mr. Padia….Raja Padia has once again decided to restart his Friday mail. This service shall be free and what’s more it is coloured now. So don’t forget to check your email accounts or my blog.

So for old times sake…………

And for the first time after a long time a few stray thoughts, a few points of views and a few observations all absolutely all my own work.

Today people have become so intolerant, for any thing people are ready to argue, beat up and even murder one other.

Like see this absolutely disgraceful and shameful incident of a Professor at Ujjain being beaten up to death by some asshole ABVP students for merely delaying the election how sad is that ………………………..

Do the real culprits ever get punished in our country India. Are the laws only for the middleclass who are punished and the rich go scot free ? Money talks………Money has power and money is everything.

In the Kabhi……….na kehna a women walks out of her husband who loves her, who cares for her, who gives her everything that she could ask for, who is rich, who is good at his work, who is a family and social man, almost perfect so what was it that she wanted well she wanted shahrukh who has not achieved much, who was forever angry and was a dreamer and ………………. I don’t know. But for sharukh who usually has been forever taking the girl away before marriage is now taking them after marriage.

One of country’s most famous Film Director Mr. Hrishikesh Mukherjee expired. He has made some of the most remarkable, memorable and forever watchable films ever. A loss for sure.
Well that’s it………………………………….


Monday, April 17, 2006" target="_top">

Purpose of life

We are here for a purpose, to do something, to make an impression, to make a name, to be someone, to get something out of the time spent here, to do something worthwhile.

I am currently getting bored and have nothing to do and thus I am doing what I like to do most that is blog. Its been fun blogging. Of course the comments are welcome but they don’t come the comments that is.

There are millions of people who blog , there is so much information available on the net I wonder where it gets stored how things work how like bill gates money vault it never fills up. There is endless amount of news information ranging from a variety of topics available at the click of a button. Wow am glad I am alive during this wonderful phase.

To add a point about men dressing which I spoke in my earlier blog that is our maharajas wore earing and now it’s a rage again. I just hope that men don’t start wearing sari’s. imagine a hairy belly exposed……………….eeeeeeeeeeeeks.

Aamir Khan, a man of integrity and a man of his word. He is definitely a good actor and a fine human being. One never hears him being involved in any controversy or taking advantage of his star power unlike the other khans.
News for my friends I shall no more be emailing my friends my blog anymore if you want to read what I write …………………….. pause………………………giving you guys breathing/laughing space……………….pause………………well then you can access my blog on………………….welcome aboard my friends. I move to a wider audience and a lot more silence globally.